
Arb Advice is an arboricultural and urban forestry consultancy that follows industry best practice and services clients across Australia and New Zealand. Arb Advice specialises in delivering successful treed landscapes for current and future generations.

Arb Advice offers services for:

  • Arb Advice offers the following serivces:

    Urban Forestry

    • Urban forest policy, strategy & management plan development & review

    • Climate vulnerability assessment of tree populations

    • Urban forest succession plans, to maximise canopy & climate resilience & to ensure species & age diversity are maintained within tree populations

    • Tree surveys, mapping & data analysis

    • Tree valuations

    • Presentations to stakeholders on the benefits of urban forestry

    Tree Planting

    • Documentation reviews of contract specifications, design drawings, planting details, soil specifications & landscape drawings

    • Tree selection for site-specific conditions & performance, with a focus on delivering resilient landscapes that are suitable for current & future climate scenarios

    • Tree planting advice for highly constrained urban environments, specialising in constructed or modified growing environments

    • Nursery tree stock assessments, to ensure what is planted has the highest chance of successful establishment

    • Managing tree-planting projects

    • Stakeholder engagement

    • Contractor audits

    Arboriculture & Tree Protection

    • Processing tree removal & pruning applications for development sites

    • Peer reviewing arborist reports

    • Tree inspections & hazard assessments

    • Tree impact & tree protection management plans for development works

    • Tree protection management & supervision

  • Arb Advice offers the following serivces:

    Arboriculture & Tree Protection

    • Tree condition surveys

    • Tree inspections & hazard assessments

    • Tree identification services

    • Tree impact & tree protection management plans for development works

    • Tree protection management & supervision

    • Soil remediation for tree health

    Strategic Tree Planning & Tree Planting

    • Tree population surveys, mapping & data analysis

    • Climate vulnerability assessment of trees

    • Tree population succession plans, to maximise canopy & climate resilience of tree populations.

    • Tree species selections based on site conditions & desired landscape character

    • Managing tree-planting projects

  • Arb Advice offers the following serivces:

    • Tree surveys

    • Tree impact & tree protection management plans

    • Tree protection monitoring

    • Soil remediation for tree health

    • Landscape planting detail reviews

    • Tree selections based on site conditions & desired landscape character

    • Managing tree-planting projects

  • Arb Advice offers the following serivces across Hamilton & the Waikato region:

    • Arborist / tree reports

    • Tree surveys

    • Tree inspections & hazard assessments

    • Tree population succession plans

    • Climate vulnerability assessment of trees

    • Tree selection based on site conditions & desired landscape character intent

    • Tree identification services

    • Soil remediation for tree health

Get in touch or request a quote now!